jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2018


Genz Z to take over 

Generation Z. What is Generation Z like? Generation Z goes from 1995 to now. It's called like this because the boys and girls were born in the digital era with the technologies. We are more than just going to parties and getting high, we are the best generation for the future. But the worst thing about this generation  born with tecnologies is that are addicted to them from a very early age. For example, my little cousin Daniela is three years old and now she makes photos of herself and uploads  videos on Youtube.  They don't fancy playing with other children in the streets or talk face to face without a phone in their hands. Children are isolating themselves   to play the computer games. How will all this end up? 

Resultado de imagen de generacion z


Further into fashion!!!

Fashion's world is very crazy. Ugly clothes can be fashionable and beautiful clothes can be refused. The fashion style is changing every time. What yesterday was ugly today is nice... As, Justin Bieber, this lad has a sloppy look. This style is called "scumbro". The clothes for me are big, ugly, ridiculous and of expensive brands, against more expensive like Versace, Supreme, Gucci... but above all, dress as you want, this is the most important thing. You should not care about what others say .

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Loneliness, isolation, teenagers, sex!!!

Nowadays, almost all children over 10 years old have got a smartphone. It's very dangerous because children at this age can be very easily manipulated. It's very strange that an adolescent hasn't a smartphone. The parents think that their children are studying or playing, but they may be watching some videos that they shouldn't see at their young age. Have smartphone requires an enormus responsability. Remenber, always ask an adult in case of doubt and if a stranger communicates with you, be cautious.

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Shopping online

Today on Internet you can buy almost everything with a smartphone or a computer. It's  easier and you can buy without leaving home. It's  easier and faster to pay, but you must wait a small period of time. We have to be careful with where we are buying because there are lots of fake pages. These pages can steal your money. But on the hand, the small trade is forced to close because of the lack of buyers or must be part of digital era. I think for clothes it's  better to go to a shop and try it on for higher comfort and security. You wait in the line and have the clothes instantly.

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Congratulations to our teachers and students at IES MEDITERRÁNEO

I'm in Robotics from the first year and I have the same teacher. I like the subject but sometimes I feel stressed when the things don't go as expected. But I know and as my teacher tells me, that we are in a world full of technologies, and in a future, robotics will be indispensable for jobs. I'm learning how to program with a plataform, Scratch and how to make robots. Last year I made a car, I did infrastructure and the programming, it was a good experience. Congratulations to Ies Mediterráneo for the distinction.

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 Winter is coming and there are hundreds of snowflakes

The generation of snowflakes are young people more or less from 16 to 24 years old. They think that they are unique and special and they are the only ones who have problems.They are more likely to have stress, anxiety, metal problems... . Probability, in their babyhood they were raised with an excessive protection and whims. It isn't the best  way to raise a child, it isn't the best way to raise a child as they become very sensitive and intolerant. It can be wrong for them to be considered snowflakes.

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Dumbphones & plastic

Today, with a smartphone, you can do everything, from buying food to sending text messages. They distrate us from what we are doing and make us look at them constantly. But, with a Dumbphone, this changes. With Dumbphones you can only make calls and send ordinary text messages. These phones haven't got wifi or any other phone. This helps us to concentrate better and help us with the problems that generate the smatphones like addictions. A Dumbphone is a very simple phone, especially good for old people.

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And now, I'm going to talk about  plastic. Plastic is the usual material for production. This causes pollution, in the water, in the floor, in the soil, everywhere. Eventually it can end up in our food provoking health problems. In the latest years scientists are trying to make it disappear faster. This would be fantastic for the environment. 

Imagen relacionada

miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2018


Objectification, a top issue

Today some girls feel embarrassed of their appearance.They have to cope with nasty comments from other girls , who believe they have good bodies and see every day the perfect bodies in the ads or movies. This causes food problems or including that girls stop eating for impossible measures. In addition, young women are considering cosmetic surgery to remove their complexes. We should accept us the way we are, but if you really want to change your body to feel better with you and the rest of the world, do it.

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Chickens on the run & Obesity

When I was little , I watched Chicken Run on some occasions. I remember that the film is about some chickens in a farm and that they were going to be killed to make canned chicken but they could escape. Today I learned that the film wanted to tell a real story in which some prisioners English, American... in the Second World War were in a Nazi camp where like the chickens were going to be killed after trying to escape.

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Resultado de imagen de the great escape

I think the excessive consumption of fried chicken produces obesity among humans beings, especially in the United States. We should take less meat and more fruit and vegetables for our health and we need to do more exercise,too.

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